Marriage of Traditional and Naturopathic Medicine

May 18, 2017

“My symptoms began on New Year´s Eve with what appeared to be an onset of the flu. Over the next six weeks I developed back and abdominal pain, leg pain, horrific, unrelenting nausea, mouth thrush and the inability to eat virtually anything. Despite multiple attempts at treatment and diagnoses, my problems only increased. Even after a midnight trip to the emergency room where they performed a CT scan, blood work and urinalysis, the mystery remained. My doctor concluded it must be viral and pronounced that I would feel much better in three to five days. On the fifth day a friend, noting my continual decline both physically and emotionally after now seven long weeks, recommended I take advantage of Dr. Raithel´s free consultation visit.

Dr. Raithel too was puzzled by my variety of symptoms but we both agreed that at this point I desperately needed systemic support. Over the next three weeks, several IV infusions and multiple supplements, all of my ´viral´ symptoms had disappeared and except for the pain that continued in my back and abdomen I felt better than I had in quite a long time. Because my symptoms were now extremely localized and specific, my medical doctor was able to pinpoint the correct diagnosis: a ruptured disk in my mid back. Appropriate treatment has commenced and I am on the road to full recovery. I have no doubt that had it not been for Dr. Raithel´s commitment, technical skill and support, I would still be a miserable medical mystery. I also have no doubt that because Dr. Raithel gave my body a system-wide boost; I was in far better condition emotionally, to deal with the pain from the disk. In my case the marriage of traditional and naturopathic medical philosophies has produced results I could not have achieved with either separately.”*