“I found Dr. Young after several years of growing increasingly discontent with my health. I could accept aging, but I didn’t want to accept what felt like my body refusing to respond to exercise and diet. I was also having aches and pains that made exercise painful to my feet and hips. In short, I felt stuck, and I didn’t want to attack the symptoms. I wanted to get to the roots. A friend recommended the naturopathic route, so I searched online and found Dr. Young.
The result has been a reeducation. Today, I eat mindfully and take vitamins that are pure, not loaded with fillers. I have the sense that I am taking care of myself from the inside-out. This path has involved accepting my body chemistry where it is and then doing certain things to nourish and boost my health. Doctor Young, with intelligence and sensitivity, has guided me along this wellness path. Today, I can say that with dignity I do my part to keep my body in good working order. Dr. Young has been my guide and has given me hope. She listens, teaches, and encourages!! I guess the best way I can summarize my experience is to repeat that naturopathic health care works with the patient from the inside, where there is the tltimate knowledge. Sometimes I’ve felt that traditional medicine approaches from the outside and even doesn’t get below the problem. Naturopathic medicine gave me the dignity of being essential in my own health solutions!”*