
May 18, 2017

“I was having a terrible time with pre-menopause and my mood swings, weight gain, and memory. My sister recommended that I find a naturopath. She and many of her girlfriends in the pacific northwest had gotten great results. I found Dr. Raithel on the internet in June of 2009 and she was the first to listen and understand all the problems I was having and reassured me that I was not “losing my mind”! I was exasperated by my medical doctors who had said that it was just stress and my age. Dr. Raithel worked up a very thorough exam and had a very different type of test done — not a blood test but a saliva test. It showed her so much more than a normal blood test would. She was able to get my chemistry back in line. My life with my husband and my performance at work improved! It is a process. Dr. Raithel and her team are thorough, loving, and truly committed to helping you live a full and complete life. They are passionate about my health and progress. I am now an advocate of naturopathy and full spectrum health care, thanks to Dr. Raithel and the team at Revolutions Naturopathic.”*