Pain and Prolotherapy

May 18, 2017

“I just wanted to take some time to thank the staff and Dr. Raithel at Revolutions Naturopathic for treating my injury. I am a 31 year old police officer that leads a very active life. I weight train approximately five days a week, run between 10 and 15 miles per week, and play semi-professional football. I have always kept myself in shape and bounced back from injuries quickly due to a high level of fitness. In October of 2011, I started experiencing pain in my upper right leg and in the lower right portion of my abdominal muscles. One evening the pain got bad enough that I went to the Emergency Room. The doctors were unable to determine the cause of my pain and I continued searching for answers. I saw seven doctors who were unable to determine the cause of my pain. I tried physical therapy, but it did not seem to help. I rested for over six weeks and that did not help. I had a surgeon try to talk me into surgery, but he did not seem sure it would help. Then I found Revolutions Naturopathic and Dr. Raithel.

When I met Dr. Raithel she talked with me about my history, the history of my specific injury and the benefits of prolotherapy. I was sure I did not want to have surgery if it could be avoided and Dr. Raithel told me she thought the prolotherapy would help. I have since seen Dr. Raithel twice for prolotherapy and cold laser treatments to heal the pain in my lower abdominal muscles and upper leg muscles. The treatments have helped greatly, I have not missed any football games, have not missed any work, and have continued to run and lift weights. The prolotherapy treatments are quick and the results were almost immediate. The pain I was experiencing has subsided greatly and I am able to do the things I enjoy with little or no discomfort. I have recommended Dr. Raithel and prolotherapy to my friends, my teammates and my coworkers.”*