The Important Role of Testosterone for Women

Wait… Women need testosterone too?!

Yes indeed, we absolutely do.

Women, just like men, need a certain amount of testosterone for vital functions and to be optimally healthy. There are many things that can contribute to the decline of a woman’s testosterone, including stress, overworking, nutritional deficiencies and even certain prescription medications. Testosterone also declines as part of the natural aging process, and can be appropriately replaced with proper lab testing and diagnosis.

But what is testosterone helpful for?

Testosterone in women helps to reconstruct the body tissues, and supports an increase in muscle mass and strength while also decreasing body fat percentage. It also supports healthy bones and prevents the skin from sagging.

It is no secret that testosterone can impact and support a healthy sex drive. It can also enhance genital sensitivity and contribute to orgasm. These things in turn play a very important role in supporting the sexual health and bonding in relationships.

Aside from the physical benefits of testosterone, there are many cognitive benefits to reap as well. One of the things I see most in my practice is that it creates an emotional shield for women ~ lessening weepiness, sensitivity and emotional reactions to stress, and building up a solid foundation of cognitive firmness and sharpness. Women overall become less emotional and insecure, and begin to obtain a sense of what I call “appropriate aggression,” where they are focused and decisive, and tend to feel more calm and confident.

As an added plus, some of the really great, long-term benefits of testosterone are that it helps to prevent the onset of chronic diseases, and research documents its potential aid in fighting off the onset of diabetes Type 2, breast cancer, and even Alzheimer’s.

Concerned about your testosterone levels?

Your naturopathic doctor can identify the appropriate testing and necessary steps to remedy an imbalance. Contact our office to get started – (916) 351-9355.

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