Stopping the Downward Spiral

January 29, 2018

“I came into Revolutions Naturopathic feeling absolutely crummy and really desperate to feel better. I was in the middle of a very stressful time and I knew that if I didn’t make an effort to counteract the effects of that stress I would never get out of what I saw was a spiral downward.

Michele Raithel took an immense amount of time with me really listening to all the issues I brought up and then analyzed my tests in a way that I had never seen before. Dr. Raithel’s understanding of my situation was spot on and her recommendations for supplements and lifestyle changes resulted in my feeling better almost immediately.

After about two weeks on Dr. Raithel’s program I felt like I had experienced a real change – both in energy and in outlook. Then after about 4 months I was feeling 100% back to my old self! Now I’m on a maintenance plan with her and I know that if any issues do arise Dr. Raithel will nip them in the bud immediately.

I highly, HIGHLY, recommend Revolutions to anyone who either knows deep down that something isn’t right, or like me is aware that their health is declinging. Michele Raithel will get you right back on the right track to health and healing for that energetic, fulfilling life we all long for.”*