“I came to Dr. Brinkley with a chief complaint of severe hair loss and rapid weight gain over a couple of months. Her initial appointment with me was extremely thorough not only looking at the symptoms but really delving into the could be causes of these issues in the emotional, energetic and situational realm. I left with a few vitamins, ideas to tweak my current regimen, stress control and diet changes as well as blood drawn, with a promise of a deeper examination into my issues with the results.
After that first month, the hair loss slowed and the weight gain stopped. However, Dr. Brinkley didn’t let that be her victory, she was determined to see not only the hair loss stop but regrowth to be apparent as well as find my weight readjust to it’s previous levels. She found more in depth blood tests to investigate with, in particular food allergies and she continued to tweak my vitamins.
Within a couple of months, I had found complete relief of my initial complaints and then she addressed some emotional factors with a homeopathic, and by the end of the fifth month I was back to better health, emotionally and physically, than I had been before I started feeling these issues at the end of the summer. I greatly appreciate how thorough Dr. Brinkley was while I was under her care and that she was never satisfied with just partial success, even though any victory in regaining your health is a BIG one. She was determined, as I was, to find health in a holistic way, with me as her partner, as she really cared about my desires, needs and concerns, instead of just asking me to be a compliant patient. ”*