Anemia and Pnuemonia

May 18, 2017

“While visiting me from Southern California my mom, age 84, was not feeling well. My husband suggested a Naturopathic Doctor on Blue Ravine Road in Folsom. I called Revolutions Naturopathic. We saw Raithel and had a free 15 minute consultation. We made an appointment for the following Tuesday. But on Sunday my mom was admitted to the hospital with severe anemia. Two days after being released she went back to the hospital with suspected pneumonia. So, after two visits to the hospital, three units of blood and two rounds of antibiotics she still felt crummy. We rescheduled with Dr. Raithel on Friday. It was very apparent that she had ACTUALLY read the pre-appointment history questionnaire. Most doctors make you fill out several pages of information and then ask you the same questions all over again. She sent my mom home with a few herbs to mix in water and drink. Within less than 24 hours my mom felt a LOT better! I was shocked at how quickly she felt better.

The following Monday she went back to see Dr. Raithel for a mixture of vitamins and minerals that she received through an IV. Dr. Raithel and her staff were very attentive to my mom. There was someone with her during the entire procedure and several times asked her how she feeling. My mom has told me “I feel she (Dr. Raithel) saved my life” and “I didn´t think I was going to leave your house, I felt so bad I had given up”. Dr. Raithel is very kind and patient. She listened to my mom, something some doctors don´t do with an 84 year old patient. Dr. Raithel also spoke directly to my mom, not me as some doctors have done. Dr. Raithel is very professional and knowledgeable. She has a down to earth approachable personality. I highly recommend her and her staff. Revolutions Naturopathic is a wonderful refreshing alternative to traditional medicine.”*