Thanksgiving – slow down and give thanks

Thanksgiving is a time for gluttony and family.  A time to relax and enjoy the bounties that life has to offer.

This thanksgiving I challenge you to give thanks with every bite you take.

Each nourishing food that you consume I urge you to contemplate the life that it gives your body. Each food is filled with precious nutrients.  As you chew a bite of carrot- stuff yourself with gratitude for the beta carotene and antioxidants that that carrot is gifting you with.  Take time to appreciate the protein source that was filled with life now giving you life and strength.

As you enjoy your meal thank the farmer that grew it and the trucker that delivered it and the store that sold it.  Thank the person that cooked it and the person who will clean up.  Thanksgiving is your time to slow down and be aware of all things awesome that surround your life, and your table, and your meal.

Thanksgiving staples are known far and wide; turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and all of the other things that make up your family’s secret recipe for your Thanksgiving feast.

Day after thanksgiving breakfast frittata (serves 6)

1. Add 10eggs, 1 tsp salt, ¼ tsp cayenne pepper, a dash of garlic powder, 1cup shredded turkey and 1 cup of any other leftover veggies (green beans, kale, potatoes, tomatoes etc) to a mixing bowl.

2. Whisk together.

3. Add butter to large oven proof skillet. Melt over medium heat. Throw in some chopped garlic, scallion or ¼ of a sweet onion if you desire.

4. Pour egg mixture over the melted butter and tenderized onion.

5. Cover and cook over low heat approximately 20 minutes or until set on top.

6. Serve in pie slices and pour warmed up turkey gravy over the top

7. Enjoy your healthy economical breakfast and congratulate yourself for being awesome!

Dr. Michele Raithel

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