Male Fertility

In my practice, I often see women looking to optimize their fertility either because they are planning to try to conceive soon or they have been struggling with infertility.

Frequently, their partners have yet to investigate their own fertility. I highly recommend a semen analysis if there is any question about a couple’s fertility status. This can sometimes be ordered through a primary care physician, but more often, fertility centers in the area provide this for patients and it is sometimes covered through insurance. A semen analysis provides useful information that I can then use to help support sperm production, quality of the sperm, and motility of the sperm as there are specific treatments for each deficit (if one exists).

I combine the results from a semen analysis with a comprehensive initial appointment which includes a discussion about risk factors which can impact fertility, medical and family history, dietary and lifestyle advice, a physical exam, and review of comprehensive lab work.

We will then create a detailed treatment plan together to help support fertility either in conjunction with your fertility specialist or before seeing one.

If you have questions about your fertility please give our office a call at 916.351.9355.

Dr. Jaimie Brinkley, ND.

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