Kids and ADD/ADHD

Kids and ADD/ADHD

One of the most common issues I see in children is ADD/ADHD. This is a difficult diagnosis to make in children and requires that several other diagnoses be ruled out in order to do so. What I see too often is that issues such as hypoglycemia, anemia, and anxiety haven’t been ruled out before the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD is made. This results in children being started on stimulants who may simply need nutritional support or to have their anxiety addressed.  This is not to say that all cases of ADD/ADHD have these diagnoses as their root cause, but that often these are overlooked.

Screening for anemia can be done either with a blood draw or with a drop of blood via in-office finger prick. Other nutritional deficiencies can also be tested via blood or a more low-tech dietary review.

If your child has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and you would like to have them thoroughly evaluated for a physiological cause of inattention, give our office a call.

Dr. Jamie Brinkley, ND

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