Is It Constipation?

The age old question of what is a normal bowel movement and how often should I have one are usually not discussed, even by health professionals.   If you understood the full importance of regular, healthy bowel movements, their significance would raise your eyebrow.  Considering that we typically eat daily, throughout the day, and that the body’s primary route of eliminating metabolized hormones and toxins is through our bowel movements, you can start to see how our overall health is intricately linked with this often misunderstood process.

From a Naturopathic prospective, a healthy bowel pattern consists of one to two daily bowel movements that are effortlessly passed with no pain or discomfort.  So any deviation from this is often a case of constipation.  Does this sound odd or impossible?  If it does then it’s likely that you are currently experiencing constipation yourself.

Constipation has a myriad of possible triggers, and for many, it is a combination of triggers that need to be clinically addressed.  This is especially the case if your symptoms of constipation include bloating, pain, discomfort, changes in appetite, or mood swings.  It is recommended to be evaluated for possible Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), food allergies/intolerances, bacterial or fungal issues and other disorders to find the underlying cause of your symptoms and allow for appropriate and complete treatment.

When in doubt, check it out.  If this sounds like it applies to you or you have more questions, give us a call at Revolutions Natural Medical Solutions for a free 15 minute consultation.

Dr. Joel Morgan, ND

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