Lyme disease (and its associated co-infections) is an under-recognized and under-treated cause of poor health and disability. Here at Revolutions, we have doctors committed to understanding this complex disease and diagnosing and treating it using the best practices out there. This includes attending the highest caliber of conferences dedicated to the understanding and treatment of Lyme. The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Symposium (ILADS) conference has been developed to educate practitioners to help patients and families affected by Lyme, and is the gold standard in Lyme conferences. ILADS 2020 provided an update on the latest research and clinical knowledge in this field. And one of our main topics was the “simple” act of testing.
Testing has always been a huge problem in this disease. The tests that are currently considered the standard for diagnosis are flawed and fail to identify many cases of Lyme disease. Another factor that poses a challenge is the timing of testing. Testing too soon or too late can be problematic. These tests are less accurate if done too soon after a tick bite, and are not meant for identifying Lyme if you have had it for a long time.
However, there is some hope on the horizon! New and clever lab tests are being developed that claim to have a much better identification rate. This testing is using a phage, which is a virus that infects bacteria to help find the causative agent of Lyme (Borrelia burgdorferi). This is cutting edge stuff and very exciting! While we already offer a number of alternative testing methods here at Revolutions, we are always looking for the best options for our patients.
In the naturopathic medical model, we look at and treat you as a whole person, not just as a disease. The ILADS conference spent a lot of time discussing the many effects that Lyme can have on the body (dysautonomia, mast cell problems, neurological problems, pain, anxiety, depression, personality changes, fatigue, arthritis, etc). As holistic doctors, we are well prepared to find out the true extent of your dis-ease, and diagnose and treat both the underlying cause and the symptoms. We have so many great tools – vitamins, minerals, herbal therapy, IV therapy, peptides, and more to address this complex illness.
If you think that you or one of your loved ones might have Lyme disease, contact our office. Here in California, Lyme season is all year long, not just the summertime like in the Northeast and Midwest. Not everyone who has Lyme disease remembers having a tick bite or a bullseye rash. If you have fatigue, unexplained fevers, persistent joint or body pain and/or many other symptoms, consider getting screened for Lyme disease. If you are not sure but curious if you should get screened, you can fill out the Horowitz questionnaire (click here) to find out how likely your symptoms are to be caused by tick borne disease.