A vicious cycle

True or False   You were once very healthy and would even consider yourself to be athletic once upon a time.

True or False   You had an injury that cut into your ability to exercise.

True or False   You miss exercising but pain keeps you from getting back into a routine.

True or False    You have gained weight due to an injury that forced you to stop exercising.

True or False    You have gained weight and now have knee or other joint pain/injuries.

True or False   You have recovered from an injury but when you try to go back to exercising you are frustrated by your inability to exercise at the same level you used to.

True or False   You have tried everything from exercise to crash dieting but nothing seems to work.

True or False   You have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, lyme, chronic fatigue or some other chronic pain syndrome that has stolen your ability to be active.

As a specialist in pain management I often see patients who were once avid about exercise but have been forced to allow their health decline due to the constraints of an injury or illness.    If you answered “true” to any of the above questions then your story is one that we have heard many times.  If an injury is stopping you from living a full, quality existence there are many natural options that are more effective and less invasive than surgery.

Serious or chronic injury?

For meniscal tears and injuries that leave surgeons salivating we use Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which is a simple injection of your own platelets taken from your blood combined with other nutrients and homeopathics into a site needing repair.  I am proud of helping many people who were scheduled for surgery to avoid a long painful recovery process.

Repeat dislocations or unstable joints?

We use Prolotherapy to strengthen weak tendons that come from repeated joint dislocations or injuries to break up weak scar tissue and help lay down healthy tendon tissue in its place.

Recent mild injury that just isn’t healing as quickly as it should?

Biopuncture is very effective for trigger point pain and mild acute injuries to get you back to work and play quickly- this is great for people who have reached a plateau in the healing process- i.e. a twisted ankle that is 85% better but seems to have stopped improving.

Fibromyalgia or generalized pain?

There are many effective nutritional, herbal, and even intravenous therapies that can be tailored to meet your exact needs based on the nuances of your case.

Dr. Michele Raithel, ND

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