Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Not a Surgery Sentence

Carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t always require surgery.  Carpal tunnel syndrome is a vicious cycle of nerve inflammation that creates a tightness of the tendon sheath.  As the nerve moves back and forth within the sheath, it swells making the sheath even tighter.

carpel tunnel

Hydro-dissection is a minimally invasive treatment that is highly successful in most cases of carpal tunnel.  Surgery cuts the sheath to make room for the nerve.  Hydro-dissection is a cheap and much less painful way to create space around the nerve by using a special fluid to stretch the sheath, which then allows the swollen nerve to heal.  By freeing up pinched nerves, we can significantly decrease pain and inflammation due to chronic nerve compression even when surgery fails.

If you have concerns regarding carpal tunnel syndrome, please contact the office at 916-351-9355 to set up an appointment.

Dr. Michele Raithel, ND

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