Why should I see a doctor? I'm not sick.

Healthy people have a tendency to be healthy until one day they’re not.  Prevention means being proactive so that you stay healthy throughout your life.  I meet many people who are proud of their ability to abuse their bodies and remain healthy.  As well as those who are healthy but "Just can’t party like (they) used to".   This attitude eventually takes it’s toll.

If there are members of your family that have chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol, chances are you are a candidate.  Unless you are proactive chances are you will be in their shoes one day.  Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to start eating nothing but carrot sticks.  It does mean that a few preventative steps may stave off future problems.  You maintain your car and house so that they don’t fall apart…why not your body?

If you are a candidate for chronic disease because of family history NOW is the time to make a few tweaks in your lifestyle that will make a world of difference later.  Come in for a free 15 minute consultation so we can discuss your future health.

-Dr Michele Raithel NMD

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