Men Can Get Breast Cancer, Too!

Okay, so it’s not as common as in women or as common as prostate cancer in men but the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. estimates that it develops in less than 1% of men but less than 1 in 1,000 men will receive a diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer.  This makes the mortality higher in men than in women.

Men are less likely to assume a lump commonly found under the areola or nipple is breast cancer and can cause a delay is seeking treatment.  Current recommendations are for self-examination and visiting a doctor for further tests if any changes are noticed.

While mammography is not usually possible, there are other methods of detection, including ultrasound, biopsy, MRI/CT imaging, or even microscopic examination of fluid expressed from the nipple.  Risk factors include radiation exposure, high levels of estrogen hormone, and family history of breast cancer, especially when linked to the BRCA2 gene.  As it is with women, early detection can increase the odds of successful treatments and survival.  In short, men should perform the monthly self-checks and seek advice if anything feels or looks out of the ordinary.

For further information, click the link below to read more about the statistics and options, or schedule a visit to discuss your personal risk factors and what can be done to live a long, full, healthy life.

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