IVs for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

“I can’t take vitamins because I have a sensitive stomach.”

Gastrointestinal discomfort is common.  People with acid reflux, IBS, Celiac, Crohn’s disease and indigestion in general often find it hard to take vitamins.  So you are not alone!!

But how do you stay nourished if you can’t absorb the nutrients from food and vitamins? And how can your sensitive stomach heal and become strong without nutrition?

The answer for sensitive stomachs can be simple.  Vitamins like b-12 and b-complex can be administered as a shot, into the muscle. Or, for those who need more help, IV (intravenous) nutrients can be a good solution.

An IV can contain all of the vitamins and minerals that you would normally get in your vitamins and your food without upsetting your digestive tract.  Since irritable or sensitive stomachs need nutrients to heal, this method can get these vital nutrients directly into your blood stream and into your cells, by bypassing the digestive tract.

In addition, certain vitamins can CAUSE irritation to the digestive tract when taken orally.  Vitamin-C and magnesium are two common vitamins that cause diarrhea in higher doses.   When these vitamins are delivered directly into the bloodstream this irritation does not occur and therefore a higher dosage can be given if needed.

Scared of needles?  We use a soft tube that makes the IV very comfortable.  Our IV room is filled with soft leather recliners and you can relax and watch your choice of hundreds of movies on our 62 inch screen.

Patients with difficulty absorbing nutrients often report feeling more energy, better sleep, clearer mental function, and shorter healing time with IV vitamin therapy.

For more information or to schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation call 916-351-9355, TODAY!

Dr. Michele Raithel, ND

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