
Toxic body burden is part of the aging process.  As we age our bodies are exposed to stressors including pollution, pesticides, emotional stress and poor dietary choices.  Each exposure to these stressors uses up nutrients and enzymes that would otherwise be going towards the regeneration of tissue causing…..AGING.

There are three ways that naturopathic doctors reverse aging.  FIRST:  is nutrient optimization.  Making sure that the building blocks of repair are available in abundance means that the body has the tools necessary to cope with stressors and day to day cellular regeneration.  SECOND: is detoxification.  Detoxification can range from a mild yearly cleanse to intensive heavy metal and solvent elimination from the peripheral tissues.  When the body is exposed to toxins the skin, liver and kidneys are the primary ways that the body processes and eliminates them.  In our current environment, breathing air, drinking water, eating food, and generally living in a technologically advanced society means that we are bombarded with an overload of heavy metals and solvents.  When the skin, liver, and kidneys can’t keep up these toxins are stored in fat, muscle, and bone to be dealt with at a later date.  The problem with this system is that we are constantly overloaded.  Active detoxification including chelation can help pull these toxins out of storage and flush them out of the body.    And THIRD: giving the body a break from the introduction of new toxins or inflammatory foods. Detoxification itself can be overwhelming to the system if not done properly.  To learn more about safe, effective detoxification that will make you FEEL better, LOOK better, and AGE better come in for a free 15 minute consultation.

Dr. Michele Raithel, ND

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