21 Day Allergy Detox

Are you TIRED?

Are you getting FATIGUED mid-afternoon?

Are you suffering with ALLERGIES?

Do you want to improve your DIGESTION?

If you answered YES to any of these questions join us, for a 21 day Spring Detox
Spring cleaning for your Mind, Body and Soul; Spring is a great time to cleanse the body.

Detoxification can improve vitality, decrease allergies and reduce toxic body burdens, while increasing energy levels and revitalizing your immune system. This 21day detoxification program is gentle and well organized.

If you eat, drink and breathe the air you have toxins within your body. This 21 day program is a great way to remove those toxins, lowering your reactivity to seasonal allergens.

For more information schedule an appointment with your naturopathic doctor today by filling out the form to the right.

Dr. Michele Raithel, ND

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